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Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

ABG Suka hot

When I was little, my idea of cruises was shaped by the TV series “The Love Boat”: I saw cruise trips as happy but staid experiences, where you had quite a bit of sedate fun but did little out of the ordinary. To put it mildly, I was wrong.

The new Bing Travel slide show, Wackiness on the Waves, illustrates that point beyond a doubt. This gallery presents just a few of the activities that will help you get silly at sea — perhaps flinging yourself into the air on a bungee cord, sipping a martini in a bar that's also a certified elevator, riding a zip line from one end of the boat to the other, or getting slimed on a Nickelodeon-themed cruise. I’ve always found that it’s the out-of-the-ordinary moments that I remember best and enjoy most on my vacations — that’s why you call them extraordinary, after all — and these activities definitely qualify.

What are the wackiest things you’ve participated in on a cruise? What oddball activities would you like to see? Share your ideas with your fellow fun-loving travelers in the comments section.

1 komentar:

  1. via email di ahmad_ritter@yahoo.co.id
    kalo beneran,,,
