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Rabu, 17 Maret 2010


Pop quiz: Which skyscraper is taller than the Eiffel Tower and the Empire State Building put together? What animal has a tongue as heavy as an elephant? Which ship is nearly five times the gross tonnage of the Titanic?

The intriguing answers can be found in “The World’s Biggest Stuff.” This new slide show on Bing Travel suggests where to travel to find gargantuan manmade objects, such as skyscrapers, shopping malls and swimming pools, as well as naturally large animals, waterfalls and rain forests.

Guinness World Records are busted annually, and this year is no exception. As of January, there is a new entry for the world’s tallest skyscraper. The honor goes to the Burj Khalifa, a gleaming spire that stabs 2,717 feet into the Dubai sky. December saw the launch of Royal Caribbean’s Oasis of the Seas, a cruise ship too big to fit through the Panama Canal. The critter with the elephantine tongue? That would be the blue whale. Not new, but it sure deserves tongue-wagging rights.

Have you traveled to see some of the world’s biggest stuff? Share your tales with other travelers in the comments section

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