kamu kudu dtg ke hotel, klik hotelnya, and gw yg bayar kamu
Hotel Description:
Surabaya Plaza Hotel is the first non-smoking hotel in Surabaya. It is located in the city center, surrounded by shopping centres, the business district, government offices, and entertainment facilities. Only 45 minutes from the international airport and with easy access to the famous World Trade Centre, the Surabaya Plaza shopping mall, several international golf courses and within walking distance from the biggest exhibition hall in Surabaya, it is the perfect hotel for both business and leisure travellers.We provide 210 guest rooms ranging from our over-sized standard rooms to our Presidential Suite.Our goal is to please every individual's needs, as much with our accommodation as all our other services.
Kalau kamu bisa lihat wajah ku yg mupeng ini,
kamu kudu dtg ke hotel, klik hotelnya, and gw yg bayar kamu
further information about the hotel:
Business hours of reception: 24 hours
A maximum of 2 child/ren up to 10 year/s of age (inclusive) stay free of charge in a double room occupied by their parents (with 2 adults paying full rate). If you have any further questions, kindly contact us.
Details on distance (in km/miles)
Airport (Juanda International):
Fair (Grand City Convention Centre):
City centre:
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